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MK 9:38-40 John said to Jesus, “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following.

Jesus was telling his disciples not to get so wrapped up in the here and now, but bring my love to the world. We may be heavily involved in our Church, that we are forgetting the mission. To love one another, to clothe the poor, to pray for the widow, to visit the sick, and to give more or ourselves than we receive. We are called to love the least of His people, because in His view they are the highest.

We make more, we do more, we have more technology and never have we been so far apart. We have been to the moon but don’t know our neighbor. We settle for our own little sections and clicks and build that, but ignore others. We are called to love, to share, and to pray.

People will always cast out demons about Jesus, not one of us is perfect. Pray more, understand more, and believe more. By your acts you may inspire others. Be blessed!!!!