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In this Gospel passage what did James and John want? It could be looked at in a number of ways. They wanted a seat at the right and left of Jesus in heaven, we probably all want that honor, right? They were 2 of his disciples, so what made them any more or any less deserving? Perhaps pride and arrogance played a part as well. They were attempting possibly to use that power and fame to ignite their ego. Ego is a veil between what you think you are and what you actually are. God created each of us uniquely and passed on to each of talent, skills, and ability. Being humble teaches us to be in Jesus likeness, being overly egotistical allows us to live in our own likeness, the world’s vision.

I think at times we all struggle with this. The ability for us to see ourselves as God wants to see us, that doesn’t need to be boastful or prideful, it doesn’t need arrogance or selfishness, it doesn’t need power and control. Because in the end, does any of that matter? God will judge on how we followed his simple commandments, to that least, to love each other, and to know a greater power than ourselves. All that we have doesn’t come from our greatness, all that we have is what God has graced us with; the difference is to understand that. James and John did nothing wrong, they wanted the highest honor, the question is for who’s sake?