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“Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?…Whoever does the will of my heavenly Father.”

A family is the constant reminder of how incredibly blessed we truly are, but do we put our family over our relationship with God? A family isn’t God, which is where our heart should be centered. If we foster that love in our homes, I feel our relationships with family and friends would be that much stronger.

We are a disconnected society, well not totally we are connected to social media and our phones, so not only does our relationship with our families take on a less important role, perhaps so does our relationship with our Savior. How often do we ignore the attentive needs of others? Do we see that homeless person and ignore him every single day? Do we see that elderly family across the street and never ask them how they are doing or if they need anything? When we value our phones more than family dinners together, when we don’t allow ourselves to show grace and mercy to others then God wants more from us as brothers in sisters in faith. When we love others, when we recognize others, and when we keep God at the center of our hearts and lives then we are on the right path to brotherhood and sisterhood. Be blessed!!!