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Are we ready? Today’s Gospel is a profound reminder of the second coming of Jesus Christ. He compares it to the “days of Noah” and the “days of Lot.” We live in a world where we let the worldly desires dictate our actions. We are distracted, we are inattentive, and unable to concentrate. I cannot imagine being in a drunken stupor or high on drugs when Jesus comes again, he is an all loving and forgiving person but is this how we want to be when he reappears? Do we want to be in bed with the Devil, when our Savior arrives? We are all tempted, we all have our problems and most of them are controllable. Most center around self satisfaction, self indulgence, pride, arrogance, jealousy, self pity, and so much more. We let someone tell us we aren’t good enough, we use this to fuel habits that go against where Jesus wants: alcoholism, drug addictions, gambling problems, sexual indiscretion, marital problems.

How do we combat this voice, the voice of the Devil tempting us? We do it by prayer, by faith, by support, and by belief. The world will change, it constantly is; we have to remain steadfast in our devotion. We have two choices turn towards Him more or turn away from Him more, one outcome may outshine the other. It is our time to unite, prepare, and believe.

God Bless!!