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To be a sycamore! In the story of Zacchaeus, the wealthy tax collector in Jericho, a sycamore tree becomes a vital instrument in the mission of Jesus. How so! We”, the tax collector had a desire to see Jesus as he walked through Jericho, but as he was short in stature, he climbed the sycamore, using it as a ladder, in order to see Him.

Though the anointing of the Holy Spirit, we who are missionary disciples of the Lord….we serve as the sycamore tree served. We find a way to assist those longing to see their healing, their joy, their reconciliation., their path…in Him. We are instruments of the great project of God, to heal humanity of its selfinflicted wounds.

This week is VOCATIONS AWARENESS WEEK. Think of each Sister, each Brother, each Deacon and Priest. In their own unique vocation…each serves as the sycamore…being present and available, to all that God may ask of each. Please pray for them. We stand in His redeeming grace, and as the sycamore did, hope to be of assistance to the next Zacchaeus, wanting to see the Lord.